The mission of Coram Deo is to


We are a Reformed Baptist Church that holds to the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith.

Come worship with us

We gather to worship on the Lord’s Day each Sunday at 4pm!

At Coram Deo, we take worship and discipleship very seriously.

We hold to the Regulative Principle of Worship, and worship in Spirit & Truth.

In our worship, we use both Hymns and Psalms for our congregational singing.

We confess Scriptural truths together, using the Baptist Confession & Catechism.

We also practice one-on-one individual discipleship.

Read the list of some of our primary distinctives, so you can learn more about us!


  • We believe that the only biblical kind of preaching is Expository Preaching. This means that we carefully exposit the author’s intended meaning from the biblical text, and explain that simply and clearly to the listener, and biblically offer correct application from the text.

  • We utilize both the Psalms and other spiritual songs (hymns) in our congregational singing. We strongly believe in congregational singing, and we encourage those who worship to sing together and unto the Lord.

  • We have a confessional standard known as the “2nd London Baptist Confession (1689)“ that is from the historic reformed baptist tradition. We hold fast to our confession of faith, to maintain our doctrinal purity and unity within our church.

  • We recognize that God established His church with the Apostolic ministry, and with that ministry came certain miraculous and supernatural gifts that have ceased along with the Apostles. We reject Charismatic theology, which claims that individuals still have the ability to speak in tongues, heal and raise people from the dead, and foretell the future through prophesying.

  • We strongly desire to be faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ’s command to go and make disciples. We recognize that group settings can have elements of discipleship and can be a vehicle towards the end goal of one-on-one discipling relationships. However, we believe that the primary disciple-making should happen in the individual one-one-one setting.

  • We believe that God commands churches to conduct public services of worship using certain distinct elements affirmatively found in scripture, and conversely, that God prohibits any and all other practices in public worship.

